Developing Management Information System
Designing budgetary and control system
Determining measures of the effective utilization of capital
Installing cost accounting system
Assisting the management in the efficient use of working capital as an aid to improve productivity
Advising management on principles of organisation and methods for effective delegation and planning of work
Rendering advice on international taxation matters, foreign collaborations, joint ventures, double taxation agreements etc.
Rendering secretarial services and advice on Corporate Law matters
Advising management on amalgamations, reconstructions, takeovers and expansion schemes
Assist in the preparation of feasibility studies of new project and expansion schemes
Advise on the system analysis and design, including selection of hardware and development of software and feasibility of incorporating computer applications for accounting and commercial activities
Assist in finding solutions for specific business problems such as product mix decisions, pricing decisions, making representation to Government on various matters etc
Appraisal of personnel policies and practices
Assist in the selection of executive personnel in the areas of production, marketing, accounts, data processing, personnel, general administration etc
Acting as advisor or consultant to an issue, including such matters as drafting of prospectus and memorandum containing salient features of prospectus, preparation of publicity budget etc
Acting investment counselor in respect of securities
Business Process Reengineering